How are u? As for me, I'm cool. I'm spending the afternoon at home to catch up on all things that I seem to procrastinate with (example given)...this blog, forgive me. I've been working hard of course. My New Years resolution which was to mature financially is coming along. I've started paying myself first as my daddy suggested years ago. It has been the most elevating experience. Now, I'm the boss! What else? Oh yeah I'm hesitating telling you all that I've finally smacked some since into myself and realized that the longer I wait, the longer it will take. Soooo...I got braces on my teeth to help straighten out my smile. Speaking of my dad I had to give him all the credit (not). It was approximately 18 years ago that we were at Easter Wood park. My brother was playing basketball and I wanted to play on the swing set. So he put me on and started to push. Then, he eased away to also watch my brother. I hopped off the swings to follow him and was kicked in the mouth by my friend who was also swinging. Yeah! Thanks a lot Dad!!!! So I give him hell for that to this day and beyond. Anywayz, I'm learning to deal. Hey I'm still fly! Forever and always. I'll be back soon Love. NB xox